Kamis, 31 Maret 2011

Hardcore punk (kadang-kadang disebut Hardcore saja) merupakan salah satu subgenre dari punk rock yang berasal dari Amerika Utara dan UK diakhir tahun 1970-an. Sound baru ini yang merupakan ciri khas musiknya secara umum yaitu: suara gitar yang lebih tebal, berat dan cepat dari musik punk rock awal.[1] Tipikal lagu biasanya sangat pendek, cepat dan keras, selalu membawakan lagu tentang politik, kebebasan berpendapat, kekerasan, pengasingan diri dari sosial, straight edge, perang dan tentang sub-kultur hardcore itu sendiri.

Hardcore punk Indonesia

Musik Hardcore sudah eksis di Indonesia pada tahun akhir 1980-an. Dengan fenomena yang ada menyebabkan sebagian dari punker mulai melahirkan scene-scene hardcore punk. Sehingga musik hardcore di Indonesia sangat kental dengan warna punk.
Dikarenakan masih sangat sedikitnya scene hardcore maka scene terbagi menjadi dua kaum, yaitu kaum individu yang lebih suka menikmati musik hardcore dengan sosialisasi yang secukupnya dan kaum yang sangat suka bersosialisasi (membaur dengan komunitas punk). Hal ini terjadi sampai sekitar pertengahan tahun 1990-an. Tahun 90-an bisa dibilang tahun musik hardcore di Indonesia dan puncaknya pada akhir tahun 1990 ditandai dengan mulainya pertunjukan-pertunjukan di berbagai tempat menampilkan 100% band hardcore (yang sebelumnya selalu mencampur dengan band punk) dan kemudian musik hardcore mulai membaur dengan melodicore.
Dengan semakin banyaknya band hardcore bersamaan pula munculnya records D.I.Y yang menyalurkan kreatifitas band seperti pinball records dan ffgrecords. Di Indonesia kota Jakarta adalah kota yang memiliki banyak band hardcore, untuk di kota lain umumnya hardcore dibawa dan berkembang dari individu anak Jakarta yang kuliah di luar kota ataupun bekerja. Band Hardcore Jakarta antara lain adalah Anti Septic, Triple X, Straight Answer, Dirty Edge, Popcorn, Sugesti X, Secret Agent. Depok juga memiliki DC crew,biduan error: Thinking Straight dan juga band-band Depok lainnya yang mayoritas mengusung oldschool hardcore punk serta di daerah Menteng Jakarta Pusat yang dikenal dengan Taman Suropati banyak band-band pengusung hardcore punk seperti Speed Kill, Sing It, The Borstal, Snacky, Majesty, Naughty Sex Party, Headline dan masih banyak lagi.
Setelah era oldschool, hardcore amerika, hardcore oldscholl eropa ke newschool maka dimulailah hardcore yang didominasi dengan musik lebih kental musik metalnya seperti Jumbo Jet bahkan emo, hingga saat ini (tahun 2000-an).

screamo/emo itu subgenre dari hc, dan hc itu subgenre dari punk.

screamo ama emo (kalo gg tau apa itu emo, buka http://id.answers.yahoo.com/question/ind… itu sama, namun hanya beda di vokalnya.
vokal screamo lebih "berdarah" (berlebihan) dan lebih bnyak. 

screamo=screaming emo,sub genre dr rock yg menggunakan teknik growling yg tiba2 pd lagu2nya.adanya gak lama2 bgt,skitar medio 2003/04.screamo biasanya lhr dr pengalaman pribadi artisx,yg suram & gelap.band yg plg cocok mewakili screamo kyknya ALESANA,klo di indo ada ALONE AT LAST.

Screamo adalah genre musik yang sebagian besar berevolusi dari hardcore punk , antara genre lain, di awal 1990-an. The term "screamo" was initially applied to a more aggressive offshoot of emo that developed in San Diego in 1991, which used short songs that grafted "spastic intensity to willfully experimental dissonance and dynamics." [ 2 ] Istilah "screamo" awalnya diterapkan pada cabang lebih agresif emo yang berkembang di San Diego pada tahun 1991, yang digunakan lagu-lagu pendek yang dicangkokkan "intensitas kejang untuk eksperimental disonansi sengaja dan dinamika.


Screamo is a musical style which evolved from emo and hardcore punk in the early 1990s. Screamo adalah gaya musik yang berevolusi dari emo dan hardcore punk di awal 1990-an. "Emo" and "screamo" are essentially meant to describe the same style of music, changing with the progression of bands and fans. "Emo" dan "screamo" pada dasarnya dimaksudkan untuk mendeskripsikan gaya yang sama musik, mengubah dengan perkembangan band dan penggemar. Characteristics of the genre are "loud-to-soft" (sometimes chaotic) dynamics, harmonized guitars with fast-paced riffs and twinkly melodic breaks, frantic/abrasive shouting or screaming, angry/poetic/abstract/introspective lyrics, low-end production, and exceptionally energetic live shows. Karakteristik genre ini adalah "keras-untuk-lunak" (kadang-kadang kacau) dinamika, gitar harmonis dengan riff cepat dan twinkly istirahat melodi, panik / abrasive berteriak atau menjerit, marah / puitis / abstrak / lirik introspektif, low-end produksi , dan hidup menunjukkan sangat energik. Screamo bands also tend to bury the vocals in with the other instruments and use more arpeggiated progressions, dynamic and time changes. band Screamo juga cenderung mengubur vokal dengan instrumen lainnya dan menggunakan progresi lebih arpeggiated, dinamis dan perubahan waktu. Breakdowns in screamo songs are often slower and quieter than in other genres, though there is still a tendency of screaming during soft sections. Kegagalan dalam lagu-lagu screamo sering lambat dan tenang daripada di genre lain, meskipun masih ada kecenderungan berteriak selama bagian lembut.

Asal-usul dan sejarah awal (1991 - 2000)

The term screamo is applied to a music genre that began in 1991, in San Diego, at the Ché Café , [ 3 ] with groups such as Heroin , Antioch Arrow , [ 4 ] Angel Hair, Mohinder , Swing Kids , and Portraits of Past . [ 5 ] These groups were influenced by Washington DC post-hardcore (particularly Fugazi and Nation of Ulysses ), [ 2 ] straight edge , the Chicago group Articles of Faith , hardcore punk band Die Kreuzen [ 6 ] and post-punk , such as Joy Division [ 7 ] and Bauhaus . [ 2 ] The Screamo Istilah diterapkan pada genre musik yang dimulai pada tahun 1991, di San Diego, di Che Café , [3] dengan kelompok-kelompok seperti Heroin , Antioch Arrow , [4] Angel rambut, Mohinder , Swing Kids , dan Potret Masa Lalu . [5] Kelompok-kelompok ini dipengaruhi oleh Washington DC pasca-hardcore (khususnya Fugazi dan Nation of Ulysses ), [2] straight edge , kelompok Chicago Anggaran Iman , band hardcore punk Die Kreuzen [6] dan post-punk , seperti sebagai Divisi Joy [7] dan Bauhaus . [2]
Gravity Records [ 6 ] [ 8 ] and Ebullition Records [ 5 ] released this more chaotic and expressive style of hardcore. Gravitasi Records [6] [8] dan semangat yg meluap-luap Records [5] dirilis ini lebih kacau ekspresif gaya dan hardcore.
The scene is also notable for its distinctive fashion sense, inspired by mod culture. [ 9 ] The Crimson Curse , The Locust , [ 10 ] Some Girls , [ 11 ] and The Rapture . [ 12 ] The Plot to Blow Up the Eiffel Tower incorporated the style into punk jazz . [ 13 ] Much as emo was, the term "screamo" has always been controversial in the scene. [ 2 ] Adegan ini juga terkenal dengan cita rasa fashion yang khas, yang terinspirasi oleh mod budaya. [9] Kutukan Crimson , The Locust , [10] Beberapa Girls , [11] dan Pengangkatan . [12] Plot untuk Blow Up Menara Eiffel gaya dimasukkan ke dalam jazz punk . [13] Banyak sebagai emo itu, istilah "" screamo selalu menjadi kontroversi dalam adegan. [2]
The innovations of the San Diego scene eventually spread elsewhere, such as to the Seattle group The Blood Brothers . [ 14 ] East Coast groups, such as Orchid , [ 15 ] [ 16 ] Circle Takes the Square , pg. Inovasi dari adegan San Diego akhirnya menyebar di tempat lain, seperti untuk kelompok Seattle The Blood Brothers . [14] East Coast kelompok, seperti Anggrek , [15] [16] Lingkaran Membawa Square , pg. 99 , Hot Cross , Saetia , [ 17 ] and Ampere [ 18 ] were influential in the continual development and reinvention of the style. 99 , Hot Cross , Saetia , [17] dan Ampere [18] sangat berpengaruh dalam pembangunan berkelanjutan dan penciptaan kembali gaya. These groups tended to be much closer to grindcore than their forebears. [ 19 ] Powerviolence -inflected screamo is sometimes referred to as emo violence , a name half-jokingly proposed by In/Humanity . [ 20 ] Kelompok-kelompok ini cenderung lebih dekat dengan grindcore dari leluhur mereka. [19] Powerviolence infleksi screamo-kadang-kadang disebut emo kekerasan sebagai, nama setengah bercanda diusulkan oleh In / Kemanusiaan . [20]
Around the year 2000 but also earlier, a lot of bands started fusing screamo and post-rock together which is also a fairly popular genre of music among screamo fans. Sekitar tahun 2000, tetapi juga sebelumnya, banyak band-band screamo mulai sekering dan post-rock bersama-sama yang juga merupakan genre yang cukup populer di kalangan penggemar musik screamo. It showed progression in the genre by experimenting and adding longer and more relaxed parts rather than short and chaotic songs but kept the original elements of screamo. Hal ini menunjukkan kemajuan dalam genre dengan bereksperimen dan menambahkan lebih lama dan lebih santai bagian daripada lagu pendek dan kacau namun tetap unsur asli screamo. The band Envy is one of the pioneers. Band ini Envy adalah salah satu pelopor. Bands from France include Daïtro, Le pré où je suis, Aussitôt Mort among bands like City of Caterpillar , Cease Upon the Capitol, The Fall of Boss Koala, Men As Trees , Single State of Man from other parts of the world. Band dari Perancis termasuk Daïtro, pra Le ou je suis, Aussitôt Mort antara band-band seperti Kota Caterpillar , Hentikan Setelah Capitol, Kejatuhan Boss Koala, Pria Sebagai Pohon , Negara Single Manusia dari bagian lain dunia.

screamo Modern (2000 - sekarang)

Screamo is particularly active in Europe, Amanda Woodward, [ 21 ] Louise Cyphre, [ 22 ] La Quiete , Escapado, June Paik, I Not Dance, Battle of Wölf 359, Suis La Lune, Kaddish and Raein all being prime examples of their scene. Screamo terutama aktif di Eropa, Amanda Woodward, [21] Louise Cyphre, [22] La Quiete , Escapado, June Paik, Aku Bukan Tari, Battle of Wolf 359, suis La Lune, Kaddish dan Raein semua contoh utama kesejahteraan adegan mereka . These bands often release records themselves or through independent labels, often recording splits with other bands from their respective scene. Band-band ini sering rilis catatan sendiri atau melalui label independen, sering merekam split dengan band lain dari adegan masing-masing.
Although the contemporary DIY screamo scene is the most prevalent in Europe, there are still many active bands in America. Meskipun kontemporer DIY adegan screamo adalah yang paling lazim di Eropa, masih banyak band aktif di Amerika. Examples include Comadre [ 23 ] from Redwood City, Off Minor (ex-Saetia) from New York, Spires from Oakland, Men As Trees , I Create from Atlanta, Ampere from Amherst, and ...Who Calls So Loud (ex- Funeral Diner , Portraits of Past and I Wrote Haikus About Cannibalism in Your Yearbook) from San Francisco. Contohnya termasuk Comadre [23] dari Redwood City, Off Minor (ex-Saetia) dari New York, Spires dari Oakland, Pria Seperti Pohon , aku Buat dari Atlanta, Ampere dari Amherst, dan ... Siapa Panggilan Jadi Loud (ex- Funeral Diner , Potret masa lalu dan saya Menulis Haikus Tentang Kanibalisme di Your Yearbook) dari San Francisco.
These bands are often referred to as "skramz" but this is not a serious term and is usually used to distinguish 'real' screamo from mislabelled screamo. Band ini sering disebut sebagai "skramz" tapi ini bukan istilah yang serius dan biasanya digunakan untuk membedakan 'nyata' screamo dari screamo mislabelled.

unsur-unsur konseptual

Many screamo bands in the 1990s saw themselves as implicitly political, and as a reaction against the turn to the right embodied by California politicians, such as Roger Hedgecock . [ 9 ] Some groups were also unusually theoretical in inspiration: Angel Hair cited surrealist writers Antonin Artaud and Georges Bataille , [ 2 ] and Orchid lyrically name-checked French new wave icon Anna Karina and critical theory originators the Frankfurt School . [ 24 ] Banyak band screamo di tahun 1990-an melihat diri mereka sebagai implisit politik, dan sebagai reaksi terhadap berbelok ke kanan diwujudkan oleh politisi California, seperti Roger Hedgecock . Beberapa kelompok juga luar biasa teoritis dalam inspirasi: Angel rambut dikutip surealis penulis Antonin Artaud dan Georges Bataille , dan Anggrek lyrically nama-diperiksa baru gelombang Prancis ikon Anna Karina dan teori kritis originators Sekolah Frankfurt

  Characteristics Karakteristik

Screamo uses typical rock instrumentation, but is notable for its brief compositions, chaotic execution, and screaming vocals . Screamo menggunakan instrumentasi rock khas, tetapi adalah penting untuk komposisi singkat tersebut, pelaksanaan kacau, dan vokal berteriak . It has been described, by music journalist Jason Heller, as "graft[ing] spastic intensity to wilfully experimental dissonance and dynamics,"  indicating a kinship with noise rock . Ini telah dijelaskan, oleh jurnalis musik Jason Heller, sebagai "korupsi [ing] intensitas spastik untuk eksperimental disonansi sengaja dan dinamika,"menunjukkan kekerabatan dengan batu kebisingan .

  Misuse of the term "screamo" Penyalahgunaan istilah "screamo"

Modern music genres, such as post-hardcore , metalcore , deathcore as well as others are often referred to as "screamo", because many define it as any style of music that incorporates screamed vocals , claiming that the term "describes a thousand different genres." genre musik modern, seperti post-hardcore , metalcore , deathcore serta yang lain sering disebut sebagai "screamo",  karena banyak mendefinisikan sebagai suatu gaya musik yang menggabungkan vokal menjerit , mengklaim bahwa istilah "menggambarkan ribu yang berbeda genre. " Juan Gabe, vocalist for the band Comadre , alleged that the term "has been kind of tainted in a way, especially in the States." [Juan Gabe, vokalis band Comadre , menuduh bahwa istilah "telah tercemar macam cara, terutama di Amerika.

Minggu, 20 Maret 2011

Bring Me the Horizon are a British metalcore band from Sheffield, Yorkshire, who formed in 2004. They are currently signed to Visible Noise Records in the UK, Epitaph Records in the US and to Shock Records in Australia.


Bring Me the Horizon began in 2004.
The band were originally signed to Thirty Days of Night Records and were the first band to be signed to that label.
They released their debut album Count Your Blessings in October 2006 in the United Kingdom and in August 2007 in the United States.
Bring Me the Horizon recorded their second studio album Suicide Season in Sweden with Fredrik Nordström. The album was released in September 2008.
The band embarked on their first headline tour of the US, as well as appearing in the 2008 Warped Tour. Bring Me the Horizon also joined Mindless Self Indulgence, In Case of Fire, Black Tide and Dir en grey on the Kerrang! and Relentless 2009 UK tour. They also joined Thursday, Cancer Bats, Four Year Strong and Pierce the Veil on the Taste of Chaos 2009 North American tour.
In November 2009 Bring Me the Horizon released a remixed version of Suicide Season, titled Suicide Season: Cut Up!. Musicians and producers featured on the album include Ben Weinman from The Dillinger Escape Plan, Sonny Moore, L’Amour La Morgue (Ian Watkins from Lostprophets), Utah Saints and Shawn Crahan from Slipknot.[5]
In March 2009, guitarist Curtis Ward left the band; he was replaced by Australian guitarist Jona Weinhofen.
The band's third album debuted at number 17 on the Billboard 200 in the US, number 13 on the UK Album Chart, and number 1 on the Australian Albums Chart, the UK Rock Chart and the UK Indie Chart. Despite reaching number 1 in Australia, the album's sales of 3,600 they gained to get there, is the lowest in the history of the ARIA charts.

Nottingham incident

While on tour in the United Kingdom allegations were made against vocalist Oliver Sykes that he urinated upon a female fan after a gig at Nottingham Rock City. Sykes was subsequently charged with urinating on the fan. Online music zine Drowned In Sound claimed that Bring Me The Horizon were banned from Nottingham Rock City, a claim that turned out to be false when the band subsequently played Nottingham Rock City on 1 December 2007. All charges against Sykes were later dropped

YouTube video with Architects

During a tour, Bring Me the Horizon and Architects filmed a video showing a staged fight between Oliver Sykes and Architects' lead singer Sam Carter. The video was uploaded to YouTube and outraged many Bring Me the Horizon fans, causing many to send hate mail towards Carter, who later made it clear in an interview with Kerrang! that the whole thing was a joke, as did Sykes.[17]

Band members

Current members
Former members
  • Curtis Ward − rhythm guitar (2004–2009)

Awards and readers poll results

  • Kerrang! Award for Best British Newcomer 2006. (Won)
  • Kerrang! Award for Best British Band 2008 (Nominated)
  • Voted Best British band (Rock Sound readers poll)
  • Voted Best Album and Worst Album for Suicide Season (Rock Sound readers' poll)
  • Voted Worst Band of 2008 (Kerrang! readers poll)
  • Voted Worst Band of 2010 (Kerrang! readers poll)
Hopes Die Last is a post-hardcore band from Vatican, Italy. formed in 2004. The band is currently signed to Standby Records. Their line-up currently consists of Danielle Tofani (un-clean vocals), Marco Calanca (clean vocals, bass), Marco Mantovani (guitar), Luici Magliocca (guitar) and Ivan Panella (drums). To date the band has released one studio album, and two EPs.

The band formed in 2004, as a group of teenage friends. The band played shows in Rome until they were able to break into the mainstream post-hardcore scene with the release of "Six Years Home". The band signed with Standby Records in order to release "Six Years Home" as a major record release, after being signed to Wynona Records, an Italian record company that mainly produces pop punk records.

Formation and Aim For Tomorrow EP(2005-2007)

Hopes Die Last released "Aim For Tomorrow" in 2005. The EP contains 6 songs. The genre of this EP is much different than in "Your Face Down Now EP" and their debut album "Six Years Home". They played pretty much punk rock, though some songs like "Sparks of Life" and "We Still Run" give a mild slice of post-hardcore which is now their current style of music.

Your Face Down Now EP (2007-2008)

"Your Face Down Now" was released in 2007. The EP contains 6 songs, one of which ("Call Me Sick Boy") was re-recorded for Hopes Die Last's debut album. The EP is the last record by Hopes Dies Last to include former un-clean vocalist Nick and former guitarist Jacopo.

Six Years Home (2009-2010)

"Six Years Home" is the debut album by Hopes Die Last. The record contains ten songs. The record is also the first by the group to include Daniele Tofani, the current un-clean vocalist of Hopes Die Last. One music video for "Some Like it Cold" was released in promotion of the album.


A Skylit Drive is a six-piece American post-hardcore band from Lodi, California. The band has released a DVD, one EP album and three studio length albums: Wires...and the Concept of Breathing on May 20, 2008, Adelphia on June 9, 2009, and most recently Identity On Fire on February 15, 2011.

Formation and She Watched the Sky EP (2006–2007)

A Skylit Drive's original members all met while attending Lodi High School in Lodi. Cory La Quay (drummer) attended Franklin High School in Elk Grove, California along with Zyler Gilley (drummer).[1] Their debut EP, She Watched the Sky, was released early in 2007 on Tragic Hero.[2] Following this the group toured with Four Letter Lie, Blessthefall, Scary Kids Scaring Kids, Greeley Estates, Oh, Sleeper, The Blackout, Alesana, Before Their Eyes, Dance Gavin Dance, Kenotia, Pierce the Veil, and From First to Last.
Jordan Blake left the band mid-tour around November 2007 due to ulcers that made it difficult for him to sing. Blake's departure was mutual between him and the other members of the group. He then formed the musical projects Razing Alexandria, Watchout! Theres Ghosts!, JbdJ, Trances, and The Legend the Leader.
Following Blake's departure from A Skylit Drive, Jonny Craig aided A Skylit Drive for a few shows after leaving Dance Gavin Dance.

Wires...and the Concept of Breathing (2008)

A demo version of "Knights of the Round," was performed live with Jonny Craig as the lead vocalist during his few performances with the band in November 2007. Though Craig had written lyrics to the song, only the chorus or refrain is believed to have been kept in the final album version sang by their new-found, permanent vocalist Michael "Jag" Jagmin, formerly of Odd Project. Craig Mabbitt also tried out for lead vocals after getting kicked out of blessthefall, but later joined Escape the Fate. The full length Wires...and the Concept of Breathing appeared in May 2008.[3][4][5][6] The album hit #171 on the U.S. Billboard 200,[7] as well as #9 on the Top Heatseekers Chart and #20 on the Top Independent Albums chart.[8] Shortly after the release of the album they filmed a music video for the nonprofit group To Write Love on Her Arms directed by Robby Starbuck.[9] They appeared at The Bamboozle Left in 2008 and toured in the summer of that year with Sky Eats Airplane, Breathe Carolina, and Emarosa.
They toured with Greeley Estates, August Burns Red, Sky Eats Airplane, This or the Apocalypse, Escape the Fate, Alesana, Chiodos, and Silverstein during fall in 2008. They also filmed a live DVD called "Let Go of the Wires", which was released on December 9, 2008.
In Mid-November the band released a music video for the song "Wires and the Concept of Breathing". The video can be viewed through their MySpace profile. Their song "This Isn't the End" is now the music video on their MySpace directed by Robby Starbuck about teen suicide in conjunction with the non-profit organization To Write Love on Her Arms. Both videos are on their first full length album, Wires... and the Concept of Breathing, and the band has shot other videos for songs on the album. They have announced that there will be five brand new videos on their upcoming DVD "Let Go of the Wires" as well as live performance footage from a show at the Glasshouse in Pomona, CA. The DVD was released exclusively at Hot Topic on December 9, 2008.
On December 19, 2008, it was announced that A Skylit Drive would be a part of the Vans Warped Tour 2009 lineup. A day before Warped Tour 2009 began, the band appeared at a Hot Topic store in Montclair,CA.

Adelphia (2009–early 2010)

In their DVD, "Let Go of the Wires", the band discussed plans for their next album. The album was to be titled "Glaciers". The band later announced that this would not be the title of their new album. On May 26, 2009, A Skylit Drive released a new song, entitled "Those Cannons Could Sink a Ship" onto iTunes and also for play on their MySpace page. The song is the first of their new album to be released on iTunes.[10] Their second full-length album, Adelphia, was released on June 9, 2009 and peaked at number 64 on the Billboard 200.[11] The band released a music video for "Those Cannons Could Sink A Ship!" on October 19, 2009, directed by Spence Nicholson.
On January 8, 2009, the band announced, via a MySpace bulletin, that they were now a part of Fearless Records and to expect a new album release sometime in 2009. They also announced tour dates with Dance Gavin Dance. A Skylit Drive was a part of Warped Tour for the 2009 season. the band also did a signing at hot topic in Montclair,CA the day before the first day of Warped Tour 2009. During the tour they did signings for the non-profit organization Music Saves Lives. A Skylit Drive recently announced a new tour with Senses Fail starting on September 30.[12] After their American tour, the band did their first tour of Europe.
On December 6, 2009, the band recorded a cover of Journey's "Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)" for the next Punk Goes compilation.
During February-March 2010, the band toured with We Came as Romans, Of Mice & Men, The Word Alive, and headliners Alesana, nationwide. During a New York City set on February 16, Dee Snider (vocalist of Twisted Sister) appeared to see the show, and hang out with the band(s). On his Twitter, Jag was quoted saying, "I'm never going to get over hearing Dee Snyder compliment my voice. Dee, "can you really pull it off every night?". Me, "You'll see."
This tour, titled The Emptiness Tour, will continue Spring 2010 in the U.K. and Europe. While Of Mice & Men, We Came as Romans, and The Word Alive won't be appearing out of the U.S. shows, ASD (as well as Alesana) will be sharing the tour with Emarosa and Bury Tomorrow.

 Identity on Fire (2010–present)
On his Formspring account, Jagmin predicted that A Skylit Drive would begin writing and recording a follow-up to Adelphia during Summer 2010. He also suggested that the album would see an early 2011 release.[13]
In February 2010 Hassle Records published on their web site "We have new recruits to the Hassle Records family, please welcome A Skylit Drive with open arms... Fresh out of California, A Skylit Drive have been together in their current line-up since 2007 and have been touring their unique brand of metalcore across the US. We released their second album Adelphia in October and the UK joined the ever growing A Skylit Drive bandwagon. Catch the band on the rapidly selling out UK / Europe tour with Alesana in April."[14]
The band announced via MySpace that on May 29, 2010, the band Desires of Sires will debut on their Adelphia tour. Recently, Michael Jagmin hinted on Twitter that A Skylit Drive is currently writing new material.[15] A Skylit Drive is recording new demos. The band's MySpace layout changed in July 2010 with a new message saying that A Skylit Drive was in the studio recording a new album with Cameron Webb for early 2011.[16]
According to the band's twitter account they have finished recording the new album. According to Nick's twitter, a twitpic of a promotional poster confirms their upcoming album's name Identity on Fire which is to be released sometime in February 2011
The band will be on the "Average Guys with Exceptional Hair" tour with bands Woe, Is Me, For All Those Sleeping, Motionless in White and Scarlett O'Hara.
In the meanwhile the official album artwork was posted and can be seen here, On December 7, 2010, the band announced the tracklisting for the album and a date set on February 15, 2011. They will be on tour mid January through February with Underoath, Thursday, and Animals as Leaders.[17]
As of February 7th, 2011, the band has released three singles: "Too Little Too Late", "XO Skeleton", and "Ex Marks the Spot." The band filmed a music video for "Too Little Too Late."
The band has also announced they will be on a European tour set for Autumn 2011.

Band members

  • Michael "Jag" Jagmin - lead vocals (since 2007)
  • Brian White - bass, vocals (since 2005)
  • Joey Wilson - lead guitar (since 2005)
  • Nick Miller - rhythm guitar (since 2005)
  • Cory La Quay - drums, death growls (since 2005)
  • Kyle Simmons - piano, keyboards, synthesizers, programming (since 2005)
  • Jordan Blake - lead vocals, programming (2005–2007)
  • Jeremiah Patterson - drums (2005)
  • Jonny Craig - lead vocals (Some Shows) (2007)
  • Craig Mabbitt - lead vocals (Some Shows) (2007)